With over 1,500 #1 votes, you elected me to represent you on the council. To everyone who voted for me, hosted a party, displayed a sign, made a contribution, knocked on doors, stuffed envelopes, phone-banked, or otherwise helped out, I will never be able to thank you enough. In a crowded field of 26 candidates, it was your collective support that made our campaign stand out. I am still amazed at the outpouring of support we experienced in the final weeks of the campaign when I would arrive at our office on weekends or weeknights to find dozens of volunteers hard at work.
The significance of this victory coming almost exactly one year to the day that President Trump was elected is not lost on me. The injustice enabled by his victory fueled our fire this year, bringing us together even more resolved to achieve greater justice here in Cambridge. Next year's midterm elections will be highly consequential, and there are many important candidates to support. I hope I can count on each and every one of you to stay involved in whatever way you can. My campaign will continue to provide opportunities to make a real difference, so stay tuned! In the meantime, please join us to celebrate this victory at WeWork, November 29 at 6 PM.
One of the highlights of Election Day was going to the polls with my daughter who recently turned 18. She voted for the first time! Thank you to my amazing family for supporting and joining me on this wild journey. Radhika, Jahnavi, and Sunil, I cannot thank you enough for so gracefully putting up with it.
Some of our supporters at 8:15 PM on Tuesday, just after the polls closed. Everyone was tired, damp and cold, but proud of what we had accomplished. Special shout out to my brother-in-law Gaurav who joined us all the way from Michigan, and Jesse, who drove down from Maine to help out!
Because of several memory card failures delaying the vote count, we didn't get the results until about 1:30 AM on Wednesday morning. With CCTV going offline, we headed over to the senior center for the big announcement in person. Special thanks to State Rep. Mike Connolly and City Councillor Nadeem Mazen for their unwavering support!
Once again, THANK YOU! This has been a collaborative effort, and for us to be successful, we will need to continue working together. In the coming months, don't hesitate to reach out and share your ideas, challenges or problems. I am here to serve you, and I promise that I won't let you down. And be on the lookout for how you can stay involved and achieve our goals of justice together!
One more thing. You all have been very generous in financially supporting our campaign. If you haven't given recently, please consider making a contribution to help cover the cost of our final "get out the vote" effort. I pay all my staff $15 an hour!
In solidarity,