Dear Friends,
This weekend is my birthday, and I'd love to celebrate it with you! Join me for canvassing, signmaking and food and drink from local Cambridge businesses:
FRIDAY (9/15) from 5-8 PM at WeWork, 625 Mass. Ave.
SATURDAY (9/16) from 1-5 PM at WeWork, 625 Mass. Ave.
SUNDAY (9/17) from 11-5 PM at Quinton's house, 235 Cardinal Medeiros Ave. We're starting at 11am on Sunday so you can watch the Pat's game with me at 1pm!
RSVP via Facebook.

We're in the final stretch, and I need your help!
We’ve raised $30,000 so far, and we need to raise $20,000 more. Besides donating to the campaign, if you can help by reaching out to friends and acquaintances to donate, that would be especially great. I know we can do this if we work together!
We reached thousands of voters already, but many were on vacation during the summer, and many others have yet to be contacted. Our primary means of contacting voters is to visit them, at their homes. Sign up to canvass with us! It’s really fun, most of the people we speak with are super nice and very receptive, and we get to hang out and socialize while we canvass.
If it’s not the kind of activity you like, don’t worry, there are many other ways you can help us reach out to voters, including: making yard signs, stuffing envelopes, making phone calls, liking/commenting on our Facebook posts (or retweeting on Twitter, etc.), talking to your friends and neighbors about my campaign and why you’re voting for me. If you are able to take the day off from work for Get Out The Vote (GOTV) poll checking and canvassing on Nov 7, let us know, or simply reply to this email.
There are many other ways to help out, including data entry and copy edit. We need all hands on deck! I’m excited about the next two months and looking forward to this final sprint. I can’t do it without your help and it’s way more fun this way, so I’m hoping you’ll join us. The resistance begins in Cambridge!